Grassroots Coaching

Try these rules of the football questions


From an indirect free kick the ball strikes the cross bar hits the goalkeeper and bounces over the goal line would this be a goal


Yes. Because the ball was last played by a player other than the kicker before entered the goal


Is the goal keeper allowed to move before the ball is kicked?


Yes the goalkeeper is allowed to move. But only along the goal line. Not towards the ball


Would a goal will be allowed if the ball strikes the crossbar or goalpost and returns to the kicker who then kicks it into the goal.


A goal would not be allowed because the kicker must not play the ball

a second time until it has been touched by another player. The referee would award an indirect free kick against the kicker.


The referee has extended time to allow a penalty kick to be taken. If the ball rebounds from the goalkeeper to the kicker, who scores will the goal be allowed?


No. The game ends the moment the goalkeeper prevents the ball from entering the goal

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Football News