02 Aug 2019
Attacking small sided game – Diagonal goals / parallel pitch
A very different and intense small sided game, with lots of attacking, defending and reacting as a team to winning and losing the ball. There are two pitches in this game, next to each other with diagonal goals on the pitch. The teams have to defend on one pitch and attack on the other. Watch the video to understand the structure and progression of the session

15 Oct 2019
How to coach effectively in a small sided game – Free E Book
FA Coaching in a small sided game - Free E Book on Creating Space in a small sided game

05 Oct 2019
Free E book – FA Coaching on Creating Space
Click on title to download Free E Book - Technique of Creating Space An FA Coaching Course involves being able to understand and coach techniques in a technical practice. So what would be expected from a coach on an FA Coaching Course regarding understanding and coaching a technique ?

30 Sep 2019
Switch play rondo game
A fun, competitive game to improve passing, support, communication and defending skills. A good game to incorporate into a warm up.

30 Sep 2019
6 effective counter attacking tactics for Grassroots football coaches
Counter attacking is a very effective attacking tactic. Once the ball is won, the counter attack has to be quick, to advance down the pitch and attack the opposition, whilst the opposition team still have players forward and are caught out of position and briefly the wrong side of the ball and out of the play.

18 Sep 2019
Juergen Klopp’s Gegenpressing made simple – Phase 3
In phase 3 of Gegenpressing made simple for Grassrootscoaches, we look at how Gegenpressing is actually used by teams at the highest level and how you might use this tactic in 9 v 9 and 11 v 11 games.

11 Sep 2019
Juergen Klopp’s Gegenpressing made simple – Phase 2
In phase 2 of Gegenpressing made simple, we progress to a small sided game. Phase one was a structured game, in which the coach controlled and created Gegenpressing situations within the game - if you missed it go to - https://www.grassrootscoaching.com/gegenpressing-made-simple-grassroots-football-coaches-phase-2/

07 Sep 2019
Juergen Klopp’s Gegenpressing made simple Phase 1
To get your players to become good at Gegenpressing, they have to be given opportunities in training to understand what the triggers to Gegenpress are and why, what and how they should react.

05 Sep 2019
Football skill of defending when outnumbered FREE E book
Football Skill of defending when outnumbered FREE E book This is a progression to the FREE e Book on the Technique of defending when outnumbered We now move on from the technical practice to the skill practice and create fast moving, game like scenarios where the attackers are breaking quickly, counter attacking and trying to score goals and the defenders are outnumbered and have to delay the attack and try and buy time for team mates to recover back quickly, to get organised and stop the attackers scoring.