Individual Skill Tips
15 May 2012
Last summer I was invited to a football coaching seminar in Portugal to present a lecture on the need for football coaches to ensure there are challenges and progressions in their football training sessions.
08 May 2012
Football Coaching FA Level 2 in Kent Day 3
Today we showed the football coaches a series of small sided football games. The basic organisation is to play 4 v 4 outfield players, with goalkeepers.
07 May 2012
Football Coaching FA Level 2 in Kent Day 2
After yesterday, where Alan and I showed the football coaches how a technique progressed into a skill, today it was the turn of the coaches to coach their given topics and be assessed by Alan and myself. The football coaches generally did well; given this was their first experience at this level. The biggest problem they experienced was planning their sessions, so that they could effectively coach their given topics. Alan and I used coaches’ chalkboard to demonstrate to the coaches how to plan a session.
05 May 2012
Football Coaching – Techniques
From a football coaching point of view, the first thing football coaches should understand is what is a technique and how to coach a player on improving and developing their techniques. A technique, with regards to football coaching is an action that a player performs that is related to a requirement to be able to play football. For example, the Technique of Ball Control. To master the technique of ball control, the players must first learn to work on their techniques in unopposed training sessions. This allows the players to progress without the pressure of opposition and to work solely on improving their technique.
01 May 2012
Football Coaching – Improve Ball Control – All Progressions
This is the complete session on Improving Ball Control, click on the links to access the Coaches Chalkboard sessions and the downloadable PDF.
30 Apr 2012
Football Coaching – Improve Ball Control – Progression 2
This is the first second progression to the Coaches Chalkboard session - Intense Ball Control Start and Intense Ball Control - Progression 1
30 Apr 2012
Football Coaching – Improve Ball Control – Progression 1
This is the first progression to the Coaches Chalkboard session - Intense Ball Control Start
24 Jul 2011
Football Training – First Time Passing
To be able to pass first time, players will need to try and think one step ahead. They will have to visualise where they are going to pass, before they receive the ball. Other factors that will influence their decisions will be the weight, speed and accuracy of the pass they are receiving and the early support and communication of the receiving players.