Grassroots Coaching

Crossroads shooting and finishing drill

This is a progressive and intense rotating shooting and finishing practice, which is also a great workout for the GK’s. Initially, the ball is passed into a conditioned striker, who has to finish in one of the goals. Immediately, another ball is passed and the striker has to finish in the other goal. Repeat, vary the speed, height and angle of the passes to test the striker. The session progresses to 2 strikers working together, then 2 attackers v 1 defender in and around the penalty area and then to 2 v 2 and 3 v 3 in and around the penalty area . Watch the video to understand the challenges and progressions for this shooting and finishing game.


Shooting and finishing

  • 2 relevant size goals with GK’s
  • The striker positions themselves in a marked central area (shooting area) – size of the areas and pitch can be adjusted to suit the age and ability of the players and to provide different types of control and shooting experiences
  • In and around the four corners of the pitch are servers, with footballs and feeders.
  • 2 teams of 5 players plus GK’s



  • Playing in a clock wise, anti clock wise or on the numbered call of the coach, a feeder (1) passes the ball to a server (2) who passes the ball into the striker inside the central area, who looks to finish  quickly and efficiently – from inside the central (shooting) area
  • After the shot, the practice is repeated, with the ball being served quickly from another area and the striker looking to finish in the opposite goal.
  • Encourage the servers to vary the angle of their pass and the height and pace of their pass or cross into the strikers to test the strikers control, their ability to adjust to the pass or cross and their decision making and technique of control and shoot or shoot first time.
  • Challenge the players to use their imagination and to create varied and different game related scenarios that relate to passing / crossing and finishing
  • Repeat for agreed number of shots.
  • Change teams and roles, with a new striker.
  • Make it an individual or team competition



  • Progress to 2 strikers working together with quick and bright combination play.
  • Progress to 2 strikers v 1 defender – if defender wins the ball they can try and score in either goal
  • Progress to 2 strikers v 2 defenders –  if defenders wins the ball they can try and score in either goal
  • Progress to 3 strikers v 2 defenders –  if defenders wins the ball they can try and score in either goal
  • Progress to 3 strikers v 2 defenders – if defenders wins the ball they can try and score in either goal
  • After the shot, the practice is repeated, with the ball being served quickly from another area and the striker looking to finish in the opposite goal or the goal the coach calls.
  • Encourage the servers to vary the angle of their pass and the height and pace of their pass or cross into the strikers to test the strikers control, their ability to adjust to the pass or cross and their decision making and technique of control and shoot or shoot first time.

Key Coaching


  • Servers to vary their position prior to the pass / cross and the height, angle, speed and pace of their pass / cross into the strikers
  • Strikers to initially move away from where the pass / cross is coming from, to create space for themselves.
  • Adjust their feet quickly to get in the line of the pass and depending on the height, angle and pace move towards or away from the ball.
  • If possible, can the striker adjust their feet and body position to shoot accurately first time
  • If not, can they use one touch to control the ball, so the second touch is a shot
  • Shot /  finish must be realistic to a game. There isn’t much time or space in and around the area, so the strikers must look to get to the ball quickly and where possible, be it a first time shot or a control and shot, be quick and positive to get a shot off.
  • Be accurate with their shot – focus on hitting the target.
  • Follow up for any rebounds


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Attacking FA Level 2