Grassroots Coaching

FA launches new UEFA B Licence

For Football coaches, the qualification pathway is FA Level 1, FA Level 2, FA Level 3 (UEFA B) and FA level 4 (UEFA A). The Football Association have now launched a new UEFA B License, so for those football coaches who are interested in what it is about, we have put together key information on this new qualification

Want to continue your coaching career? Learn more about the UEFA B Licence.

Just like the demands on modern players have developed on the pitch, the skills and requirements of coaches on the training ground in recent years have also had to adapt.

For today’s players the emphasis is on technical ability, instant decision making and tactical awareness. Elite players must be able to adapt to almost any game scenario, where formations and positional roles are interchangeable, and it is the coach’s role to ensure these players possess the flexibility and dynamism to do so.

In order to meet the challenges that coaches in the modern game face, The FA Coaching pathway has now launched the redesigned UEFA B Licence, aimed at coaches who intend to work with international players.

The new FA UEFA B Licence
The course is now a standalone UEFA B qualification that links the newly revised Level 2 Certificate in Coaching Football (L2CCF) qualification with the new UEFA A award. A number of improvements have been incorporated into the qualification to support aspiring coaches and continue to build on their experience, whilst also assisting in The FA’s goal of improving the recognition of coaching as a profession.

Course overview
• The UEFA B course is a 13-day course, culminating in a three-day final assessment.
• It is designed to progress coaches who already hold the L2CCF.
• The extended time of the course provides more opportunities for practical/technical work and increased time for students to coach /receive feedback.  
• There is also an increased opportunity for logged coaching time away from the course to help students to develop their coaching experience within their club environment.

Technical content
The practical element of the course has more than doubled and includes a wider range of practices and resources for coaches to utilise.  

These include:

  • advanced technical practices   
  • squad practices
  • pattern drills
  • wave practices
  • functional practices
  • phases of play and small sided games

Theory to Practice content
All theory elements have been linked to the work of the coach and his/her players.

This includes:

  • A philosophy of coaching
  • A consideration of how players learn
  • A study of both coaching styles and communication processes
  • A detailed consideration of player analysis
  • The psychological factors associated with player performance
  • Consideration of the key elements related to coaching session delivery
  • The development of progressive coaching sessions
  • Comprehensive coaching session evaluation and reflection

Improved resources for UEFA B Licensed Tutors and Students
To support this new course, there have been a number of improved resources for both Tutors and Students.
Amongst others, these include:    

  • A new developed UEFA B Coaching Handbook
  • A newly written and branded UEFA B Student Workbook with twelve new assignments and a detailed daily Learning Programme
  • Newly prepared power point presentations for all aspects of the Learning programme
  • A new UEFA B Technical guidelines book, with associated practices to underpin the new practical content and syllabus
  • A new dvd for the Player Analysis component of the course
  • A newly developed Goalkeeping Module and resource, which will be delivered by National Goalkeeping staff

Course fees:

Online FACA Member £695 – Offline FACA Member £775

Online Non –  FACA Member £875 – Offline Non – FACA Member £975

Link to the FA site and further information on the new UEFA B Qualification

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Assessment Level 2 Assessment UEFA B FA Level 2 Other Football Stuff UEFA B